After reopening the church at the end of July three hundred people visited the flower festival at the beginning of August.  Twenty two displays depicting the community life of Congleton were put together by nine churches, Kids Planet Nursery and members of the South Cheshire Flower Club.

A celebration service in the presence of the Town Mayor was held on 5th August.

Heritage Open Days and Congleton’s Heritage and Antiques Fair were celebrated with displays in St. Peter’s detailing the history of the church and the programme of restoration achieved so far.   One hundred and twenty nine people visited and many positive comments were received.   Our new pop up banners helped people understand the important features of the church and are a very attractive asset.

A very enjoyable  recorder recital was given given by the Recorder Society (Macclesfield Branch) on September 15th

Remembrance Day service for 2020 has yet to be planned.  St. Peter’s has obtained eight of the Remembrance Silhouettes which will help us to remember those who fell in that terrible conflict and in wars since.

Looking forward to December 2020 the Town Carol Service has yet to be planned.

The Project Group will be continuing to work towards plans for the remaining restoration work and updating of the church facilities to make if fit for worship and as a community building for  future generations.