Key to the Future

Our vision is to restore this part of the town’s heritage and undertake sensitive redevelopment to make St. Peter’s a more flexible community building with facilities fit for the future.

The project was designed in three phases: the roof, the gallery windows, and the sympathetic development and re-ordering of the interior. Phase one was completed by May 2014 as planned. Work on the windows began with an investigation and report on their condition, but this was overtaken by the urgency of ceiling repairs. Such was the significance of the deterioration in the fabric that Historic England placed St Peter`s on its Heritage at Risk Register. Currently the restoration of the gallery windows is being investigated.

However, the time involved to investigate problem areas, prepare bids and gain financial backing together with the range of work to be done meant that in October 2017 it was decided to roll all remaining restoration and development work in to one “Big Bid” which is now phase 3.

St. Peter’s Key to the Future is now part of the wider vision for the Parish Congleton.