The brass chandelier in the centre aisle was the gift of John Smith to the newly re-opened chapel, it is dated 1748. As well as sixteen branches the chandelier features a dove with a twig in its beak. This is a reminder of God`s promise to Noah that the flood would come to an end: the returning dove with the twig was evidence to Noah that the great flood had not destroyed all the earth. The flood waters were receding and Noah`s time in the ark was coming to an end.
Smith was an Alderman, Mayor of Congleton in 1737 and 1744 and lived in Chapel Street near the church. He was one of the twenty six petitioners who wrote to the bishop in 1740, and he was one the six key members of the corporation throughout the planning and building work for the new chapel. Smith`s memorial is on a pillar at the west end of the main aisle, next to his pew.